Casper enables users to upload random files to a cloud service, and access them later from any device. Casper API is a framework venture for enormous information storage on the blockchain, which permits to build a file storage (photographs, video, audio, text files and 3D models), to arrange the ideal courses of content delivery (CDN), to store reinforcements, to work with corporate data storage. It is the fastest way to ensure your DApp stores data, i.e., video, photo, audio, text etc. It is implemented by joint effort of a variety of providers, which provide their hard drives and internet-channels for storing and transferring your files.
The blockchain stage depends on a P2P organize, members of which give assets to perform exchanges and estimation. Casper supplements the P2P blockchain stage with a capacity unit arrange, which gives HDD document stockpiling administration to clients, while capacity units guarantee the system is working legitimately. The capacity unit system might be associated with a few blockchain stages (now we utilize Ethereum stage as it were). A capacity unit might be associated with the system by any individual with legitimate hardware at their home, or a local server farm, which is keen on putting its sit out of gear offices in activity. Each system member will get installments for rendering stockpiling administrations. Casper's supplier confirmation and rating framework is custom fitted to inspire its members to act to their greatest advantage, autonomously from each other, in this way keeping up the dependability of the P2P arrange.
Encoding of stored files
High file upload/download rate thanks to peer-to-peer technology
Shared file access
Feasible data storage pricing
Casper Technologies
Peer-2-Peer for fast dekivery of files
Ethereum on proof of stake
Smart contract for any blockchain
Reliable coding of files
Files split into parts
No single point of failure
Duplication of parts
Dynamic analysis and correction of failures
Advantages of holding CST
1GB = 1 CST of storage
Casper Destorage is cloud based data storage services
First DApp working on Casper API
You get to sell freely on exchange at market value
You get to lease out your token to supplier and get part of its reward.
You can become a supplier of resources (1CST = up to 256GB) in other to provide data storage needs for the service and receive rewards for it.
Name: Casper Token
Type: ERC20
Symbol: CST
Total Supply: 440,000,000
Pre-ICO: 13,000,000 @ $0.08/CST
ICO (Pre-Sale): 183,333,333 @ $0.12/CST
ICO (crowd-sale): 61,000,000 @ $0.16/CST

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